

Most farms now produce improved "tissue culture" varieties of statice which are less susceptible to botrytis and are available in a range of interesting new pastel colours. Statice should be stored in dry, well aired conditions to avoid development of botrytis mold.
Tinted Statice is available year round in a wide range of punchy colors. 

​At Long's, we always have a popular selection of beautiful purple statice.

Grading Information
  • Sinuata should be graded minimum 5 or 10 stems, 50cm, 300 grams per bunch.
  • Some farms offer extra large bunches which are graded minimum 400 grams but no fixed stem count.
  • Sinuata Statice is widely used by bouquet makers who generally require a fixed 10 stem bunch.
  •  Sinuata statice must be shipped with blooms fully open and showing good color.
  •  Foliage should be green and free of yellowing.