Asiatic Lilies

Asiatic Lilies 

Lilies are commercially available in 4 major types, Asiatic, Oriental Hybrids, L.A Hybrids (Longiflorum x Asiatic) and Longiflorum (Easter Lily).
 They should be purchased with tight buds  just beginning to show color. New, improved varieties are stronger and perform better.
 Many new varieties are introduced each year, many with interesting new 2-tone colors.

.Grading Information
  •  Asiatic Lilies are graded by number of blooms per stem.
  • - 2 / 3 blooms - 70 cm minimum
  • - 3 / 5 blooms - 70 cm minimum
  • - 5 / 7 bloom - 70 cm minimum
  •  Lilies are packed in 10 stem bunches and are plastic-sleeved